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New courses beginning in September 2024 are now available for enrolment.  If you are unable to find a paticular course, kindly fill out the form and our Customer Service Team will get back to you.

Zones Of Regulation  

Visual of the course

Course Summary

Course Code: DOL1A72Y23 

Start Date: Monday 15 July 2024 

Start Time and Lesson Duration: 09:30 for 02:00 hours

Duration: 1 lessons over 1 week(s)

Location: Online Live  

Fee: Free    Help 

By continuing you confirm that you are 19 or over and have agreed to the the terms and conditions

Technical Support


Learners will learn be introduced to the Zones of Regulation framework and how this approach is used to support the development of self-regulation in the management of emotions in children.

a) Online sessions are hosted via Microsoft Teams
b) A link will be sent to your email address between 1 to 24 hours prior to the session commencing
c) Please check your junk / spam folder, as sometimes the session links are sent here by your email provider
d) If you are signing up to a course less than 24 hours of the course start time, or after the first session has commenced, please enrol on the course and email

FL Managing Big Emotions

What s this course about?
This session will provide strategies to teach children to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, manage their sensory needs, and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts. This is a LIVE interactive session so you will need to log on at the given time to access the content

Who is the course for?
This course is for parents/carers and grandparents of school aged children living in Essex

What can I expect to learn?
This will give you strategies to support your children to self-regulate their emotions. It will also provide you with peer support to connect with other parents

How will I learn?
This course is being run online. The sessions will be facilitated by the tutor in an informal and relaxed environment.

How will I know how well I am doing?
You will be given tutor feedback at the end of each task. The tutor will work with you to support you with any individual issues that you may be experiencing.

Will I have to do any work at home ?
There will be opportunities for learning to take place after the session based on resources, websites, apps and other learning opportuniites discussed in the session.

What will I need to provide?
A phone, laptop or tablet which can connect to the internet.

Are there any other costs?
There are no extra costs associated with this course

What can I do next?
When you finish this course we will provide you with details about what programmes you can move on to next.

Further Information
For all enquiries regarding this course please email