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Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator)  

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Course Summary

Course Code: WEBD140  

Start Date: Various   

Start Time and Lesson Duration:  for hours

Duration:  lessons over  week(s)

Location: Workbased Learning  

Fee: Price on Application    Help 

By continuing you confirm that you are 19 or over and have agreed to the the terms and conditions


This qualification meets the needs of learners who work or want to work with children in a wide range of settings, for example in the roles of: Early Years Educator, Child-minder, Nursery Nurse. Learners will learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression in the Early Years sector. Typically, the course can be completed in 18 months.
Learners should be in an appropriate job role or volunteering for a minimum of 16 hours per week

Introducing the qualification
This qualification is designed to support learners with gaining the knowledge, skills and understanding to work in an early years setting and be included in staff to child ratios.

There will be an expectation for candidates to achieve the Diploma within 18 months.

Assessment is through assignments, observation and submission of evidence in a portfolio to demonstrate that the requirements are met to a relevant standard.

Entry requirements
There are no formal qualification requirements, but candidates will require level 2 standard in English to manage the research and written elements of the course. Candidates must be experienced practitioners and hold an appropriate job role, or be volunteering for a minimum of 16 hours per week, in order to collect the relevant evidence. Volunteering placements require written confirmation from the setting.

Qualification structure
Candidates must achieve all 10 mandatory units to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject as well as demonstrate competence in the workplace.

Delivery methods
An assessor will be assigned to support the candidate through the qualification. This will involve observation of the candidate in the workplace, liaising with a workplace mentor to monitor and review progress, assessing evidence for the portfolio. There are mandatory workshops either online or at one of our ACL centres, to support the candidate through the knowledge and understanding. Competence based units are assessed in the workplace, using observation, witness testimonies, work products, candidate accounts and questioning.

£6220.80 payments can be made in instalments. 19+ advanced learning loan is available to fund this course. Depending on your existing qualifications and circumstances this course may be fully funded, this will be discussed upon enquiry through the enrolment link below:


Workbased Learning  
ZZ99 9ZZ  

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