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AAT Certificate in Accounting Level 2  

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Course Summary

Course Code: FOL5D01Y24 

Start Date: Friday 25 April 2025 

Start Time and Lesson Duration: 09:30 for 4.5 hours

Duration: 37 lessons over 37 week(s)

Location: Online Live  

Fee: Funding could be available    Help 

By continuing you confirm that you are 19 or over and have agreed to the the terms and conditions


The Level 2 Certificate in Accounting is ideal for anyone wishing to study accountancy and finance alongside a range of complementary business and personal skills.
The purpose of the Level 2 Certificate in Accounting is to offer the foundation accounting knowledge needed to progress to employment or further study in accountancy and finance, alongside business and personal skills that are transferable to any sector and additional business knowledge relevant to accountancy. The qualification offers a broader focus across several subject areas which enhances employability skills.

What Will Happen At My First Lesson
The first week two weeks of your course will include Study Skills.and an Introduction to accounatncy. Good Study Skills are vital to ensure you gain the best from your course. The Study Skills /Intro sessions will give you the opportunity to discover the best way that you can learn and fully understand the requirements of the course.

What Qualification/level is this course?
This course is AAT Certificate at Level 2

Examinations Venue disclaimer
Please note, you may be required to travel to an alternative ACL Centre when taking your examination or assessment. This will be communicated to you at the earliest opportunity.

Who is the course for?
This course is the AAT L2 Certificate in Accounting . It introduces you to finance administration covering areas such as double entry bookkeeping,basic cost principles and the business environment. This course offers a solid foundation in finance administration and is aimed at learners who are interested in a career in accountancy. Most learners will start at Level 2 . A good level of numeracy literacy and computer use is essential to cope with the demands of the course. Learners will undertake an assessment to confirm thier entry level and will also have an interview with the course tutor. Following this you will be adivsed whether you have secured a place on the course.

What can I expect to learn?
Introduction to Bookkeeping Principles of bookkeeping controls Principles of costing The Business environment

How will I learn?
You will have the opportunity to use differing learning tools to develop your skills. This course is delivered in a classroom with intermittent workshops if necessary and exams to be taken in the centre.

How will I know how well I am doing?
Your tutor will monitor progress throughout the course by observing activities and giving you direct verbal feedback. The tutor will check and mark your completed work/assignments and provide developmental feedback. You will also receive written feedback and set targets at different stages of the course via an Individual Learning Plan.

Will I have to do any work at home ?
A minimum of 6-10 hours of reading and private work will be required for successful completion of the exams which are externally marked to a high standard. Attendance at every session is essential

What will I need to provide?
You will need to have a notebook and a pen for your studies.

Are there any other costs?
AAT registration fees (£175) Cost of workbooks dependent on finanacial situation but full cost of L2 books approximately £95

What can I do next?
Your tutor will be able to advise on further activities and courses to help you progress further in this subject or to complementary subjects. For ACL courses see The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. The service offers confidential and impartial advice and is supported by qualified careers advisers. To make an appointment please call 0800 100 900 (calls are free from landlines and most mobile numbers) or visit their website

Further Information
Before enrolment is accepted an online Initial assessment will need to be completed and a interview with the Curriculum lead and tutor. For all enquiries regarding this course please contact 0345 6037635.


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