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Skills Bootcamp Project Management: Construction and the Built Environment  

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Course Summary

Course Code: SBCP08Y24  

Start Date: Wednesday 12 March 2025 

Start Time and Lesson Duration: 09:30 for 4.0 hours

Duration: 12 lessons over 12 week(s)

Location: Online Live  

Fee: Funding Available    Help 

By continuing you confirm that you are 19 or over and have agreed to the the terms and conditions


We are pleased to announce that we are offering 12-week courses focused on project management: construction and the built environment.

These skills bootcamps are specifically designed for adults aged 19 and above who are currently unemployed or seeking a career change.

Our skills bootcamps will provide learners with a valuable opportunity to secure interviews with leading industry employers and enhance their expertise and capabilities in the project management and construction environment.

What Will Happen At My First Lesson
The first week of your course will include Study Skills. Good Study Skills are vital to ensure you gain the best from your course. The Study Skills session will give you the opportunity to discover the best way that you can learn and fully understand the requirements of the course.

Qualification Aim/Level
This skills bootcamp is aligned to level 3 standards and for learners who wish to enhance their technical skills at an intermediate level. Upon successful completion of this skills bootcamp, learners will have the opportunity to interview with industry employers. Additionally, learners will achieve a Level 2 Award in Understanding Domestic Retrofit.

Who is this course for?
Individuals that are working or seeking employment in the construction industry and would like to develop their knowledge and skills of the project life cycle and its key components.

What can I expect to learn?
In this course, you will have the opportunity to gain knowledge on various aspects of project initiation including project lifecycles, roles and responsibilities, development of business cases, and effective stakeholder engagement. You will gain knowledge on project planning within the construction industry, this includes understanding project documentation, effective communication planning, risk and issue management. You will learn about how to incorporate the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) into the project delivery and key areas of the contract management for the project. You will also gain an understanding behind the importance of quality and performance monitoring and management. An additional feature of this skills bootcamp is the Level 2 Award in Understanding Domestic Retrofit. This part of the course will supply an insight into Retrofit, the different retrofit roles and how to achieve good domestic retrofit using a fabric first approach.

How will I learn?
Learner will be required to attend weekly learning sessions either via MS Teams or with the possibility that they will be asked to attend some sessions at one of our ACL centres. Learners will be supported by the classroom tutor who will set developmental actions throughout the skills bootcamp.

How will I know how well I am doing?
A tutor will monitor your progress throughout the skills bootcamp by assessing contributions during the learning sessions including any evidence created during this time by using a variety of assessment methods, such as question and answers, discussions and quizzes. The tutor will observe learning activities and provide feedback both verbally and in written form and will provide any developmental actions that will benefit the learner and prospective employers/employers. Learner will be also sit a formal invigilated exam for the Level 2 Award in Understanding Domestic Retrofit.

Will I need to do extra work at Home?
It will be beneficial to revisit learning notes taken during the learning sessions to support future learning sessions.

What will I need to provide?
Learners will need access to a laptop/PC/phone with MS Office software and be able to download MS teams.

What can I do next?
Upon completion of the skills bootcamp, learners could consider progressing on to the Domestic Retrofit Advice Level 3 Award. This skills bootcamp would provide a stepping stone towards the Level 4 Associate Project Manager apprenticeship. Our tutors and IAG officers are available to provide further guidance and advice.

Further information
For all enquiries regarding this course please contact:


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